
BUZHAO Company Was Established In March 2014, It Has Maintained Stable And Continuous Cooperation With Many Chain Brands. It Was Completed Nearly 100 Design Projects Across The Country. These Projects Include One Of The Top Ten Brand, Tongren Season Along With “D-boutiube Hotel, Eta, Niujiandao, Shushu,xingqiba, Teahouse, Guyuguo, Yangjinma”

成立于2014年3月,与多家连锁品牌保持稳定持续的合作, 已完成全国各地近100个设计项目, 现有深圳餐饮排名前十的“同仁四季”以及“山东蝶尚酒店、逸塔、牛间道、 薯熟、妯娌、古鱼国、央金玛、潮引力网红商场、班习、WuwHah物哈”等连锁品牌。

To Design For Natural Livable CITY Has Been An Core Idea For BUZHAO. With Its Brightness And Comfort, Functional Design And Its Pursuit Of Simplicity And Perfection, BUZHAO Has Successfully Spread To Many Cities All Over The Country. Also, BUZHAO Enhances The Premium Capacity For Global Business And Represents The New Local Life And Culture.


“融合国学易经堪舆与西方文化艺术,注重品质与当代建构方法和材料,讲究通透舒适、简单极致、可持续性” 让BUZHAO卜照成功走向世界多个城市

Design for Architectural Planning, Luxry Hotel,Vacation,Hi-end Residential, Villa Club, Restaurant, KTV, Bar, Mall, Netbrity Homestay’s Owner.